Advanced API slowed down and returns error regularly
In the last 24 hours our system made 389K requests and 55K of them returned with error "-32603: internal error"
Missing recent-ish state for archive nodes on BSC and Polygon
For requests to blocks ranging from -128 to ~-205 blocks (compared to the current highest block number), the RPC fails with the error:
Wrong data returned from the ankr_getAccountBalance
how to foce sync on requests? all my data is old (-18hours, -4 days) etc
Im using ankr but i have started to feel like they're going backwards.
Getting ERC-20 token balances on testnets
I'm hoping to use the Advanced API to get balances for ERC-20 tokens. But when I tried it with the Avalanche Fuji and Polygon Mumbai testnets, calling ankr_getAccountBalance
only shows the native token for each chain. And calling ankr_getCurrencies
always returns null
for both chains. e.g.
API returns error "we can't execute this request"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": 0,
"message": "we can't execute this request"
"id": null
ankr_getAccountBalance returns wrong ETH price in chain optimism
I tried to run this ankr_getAccountBalance method for get account balance in optimism chain but got wrong ETH price in the result
Is it impossible to get earlier price data?
pageToken 参数的详解
The ankr_getCurrencies method return null
When i set the blockchain for base, zksync_era, polygon_zkevm. The http response return currencies is null