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Item asset tokenUrl is empty when i get api getNFTsByOwner

I sure Item asset tokenUrl have data link Opensea: <https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0xc8076f6e5505bdb47c3030748c65efb088ea0fd8/49> i use me TBA address ('0xdAb940e908321dBbAD39B1894b25e14aE88FA038') call api getNFTsByOwner. Then In data asset tokenUrl is empity

how can get lastest Token Transfers includes native token?

function nkr_getTokenTransfers get transactions lastest but dont includes native token

ankr_getNFTsByOwner returned wrong data

<https://snowtrace.io/token/0xbb4a6aa2629ed6f08c6e95d51f891fa2017f3f0a?a=0x779eeA27e778b43c751A10e442679A933faECfab> In the link above user address 0x779eeA27e778b43c751A10e442679A933faECfab has 0 (zero) NFT of contract 0xbb4a6aa2629ed6f08c6e95d51f891fa2017f3f0a But when I trying to run ankr_getNFTsByOwner function below I got a list NFT of contract 0xbb4a6aa2629ed6f08c6e95d51f891fa2017f3f0a => The correct returned should be emmpty curl --request POST --url '<https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain/79258ce7f7ee046decc3b5292a24eb4bf7c910d7e39b691384c7ce0cfb839a01/?ankr_getNFTsByOwner=>' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data ' { "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "ankr_getNFTsByOwner", "params": { "blockchain": [ "avalanche" ], "filter": \[ { "0xbb4a6aa2629ed6f08c6e95d51f891fa2017f3f0a": \[] } ], "walletAddress": "0x779eeA27e778b43c751A10e442679A933faECfab" } } '

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "invalid params", "data": "Validation error: invalid request" } }

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "invalid params", "data": "Validation error: invalid request" } }

feature request: option to fetch native token balances only

it'd be nice to just be able to receive the native token balance for every chain, instead of that + every... poocoin the user has. like this: ```Text json const balances = await this.sdk.getAccountBalance({ walletAddress: address, blockchain: ['eth', 'bsc', 'polygon'], onlyNative: true }) ``` Would also be cool to be able to pass a filter like this: ``` const balances = await this.sdk.getAccountBalance({ walletAddress: address, blockchain: 'eth', tokens: ['sometokenaddress', 'anothertokenicareabout'] }) ``` Otherwise I'll have to use pagination to go over tokens I don't care about just to get the native token, I know I can just use the RPC but what's the point on having a SDK then cheers

Pagination problem

hello, I have been trying to paginate the results of "ankr_getTransactionsByAddress".. I put nextPageToken parameter from the previous results but it keeps returning same transactions here are my params { descOrder: true, address: "0xf6c3ebe4a0340c8611f56b4ddc310be725a13456", pageToken: "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" }

Wrong exchange rate of tokens in USD

Why did ANKR provide incorrect information on the cost of tokens { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "usdPrice": "1833646.540791594079109927", "blockchain": "arbitrum", "contractAddress": "0x9db8a10c7fe60d84397860b3af2e686d4f90c2b7" } } and { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "usdPrice": "1961637062518.1396484375", "blockchain": "eth", "contractAddress": "0x5150956e082c748ca837a5dfa0a7c10ca4697f9c" } } And there are A LOT of such tokens! You are positioning yourself as a leader in the field of development for Web3 projects and do not provide the correct information to your users

Not Authorized on ankr_getNFTMetadata


Multichain on bsc testnet

Is there a possibility to use RPC: (<https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain/>) in test_net mode?

All internal transactions endpoint returns no data

Hi Ankr team, Looks like all endpoints for fetching internal transactions always return empty `internalTransactions` array. Examples tried: - `ankr_getInternalTransactionsByBlockNumber` - eth, 17293858 - polygon, 42897372 - `ankr_getInternalTransactionsByParentHash` - eth, 0x6f7070a07f838a74bc252b8a98139db39732fdf73a005535a2cc03ae0b4692cf - polygon, 0x1db983179ff64d11197709765880b162a109401a7c1faae3f29dd4c0d2209364 Changing `onlyWithValue` parameter doesn't change the response. Is these endpoints supported at the moment? If not, do you have any estimation on when they'll become available?