ankr_getTokenPriceHistory returns empty
I am getting no results for many tokens that I tried to get the historical token price
what is the way show me all transactions internal by my address?
i cant see any api to get all transactions internal by my address, let me know the way to get it.
Item asset tokenUrl is empty when i get api getNFTsByOwner
I sure Item asset tokenUrl have data
link Opensea: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0xc8076f6e5505bdb47c3030748c65efb088ea0fd8/49
i use me TBA address ('0xdAb940e908321dBbAD39B1894b25e14aE88FA038') call api getNFTsByOwner. Then In data asset tokenUrl is empity
how can get lastest Token Transfers includes native token?
function nkr_getTokenTransfers get transactions lastest but dont includes native token
ankr_getNFTsByOwner returned wrong data
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "invalid params", "data": "Validation error: invalid request" } }
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"error": {
"code": -32602,
"message": "invalid params",
"data": "Validation error: invalid request"
feature request: option to fetch native token balances only
it'd be nice to just be able to receive the native token balance for every chain, instead of that + every... poocoin the user has.
Pagination problem
hello, I have been trying to paginate the results of "ankr_getTransactionsByAddress"..
I put nextPageToken parameter from the previous results but it keeps returning same transactions
Wrong exchange rate of tokens in USD
Why did ANKR provide incorrect information on the cost of tokens