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how can get lastest Token Transfers includes native token?

function nkr_getTokenTransfers get transactions lastest but dont includes native token

ankr_getNFTsByOwner returned wrong data

<https://snowtrace.io/token/0xbb4a6aa2629ed6f08c6e95d51f891fa2017f3f0a?a=0x779eeA27e778b43c751A10e442679A933faECfab> In the link above user address 0x779eeA27e778b43c751A10e442679A933faECfab has 0 (zero) NFT of contract 0xbb4a6aa2629ed6f08c6e95d51f891fa2017f3f0a But when I trying to run ankr_getNFTsByOwner function below I got a list NFT of contract 0xbb4a6aa2629ed6f08c6e95d51f891fa2017f3f0a => The correct returned should be emmpty curl --request POST --url '<https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain/79258ce7f7ee046decc3b5292a24eb4bf7c910d7e39b691384c7ce0cfb839a01/?ankr_getNFTsByOwner=>' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data ' { "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "ankr_getNFTsByOwner", "params": { "blockchain": [ "avalanche" ], "filter": \[ { "0xbb4a6aa2629ed6f08c6e95d51f891fa2017f3f0a": \[] } ], "walletAddress": "0x779eeA27e778b43c751A10e442679A933faECfab" } } '

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "invalid params", "data": "Validation error: invalid request" } }

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "invalid params", "data": "Validation error: invalid request" } }

feature request: option to fetch native token balances only

it'd be nice to just be able to receive the native token balance for every chain, instead of that + every... poocoin the user has. like this: ```Text json const balances = await this.sdk.getAccountBalance({ walletAddress: address, blockchain: ['eth', 'bsc', 'polygon'], onlyNative: true }) ``` Would also be cool to be able to pass a filter like this: ``` const balances = await this.sdk.getAccountBalance({ walletAddress: address, blockchain: 'eth', tokens: ['sometokenaddress', 'anothertokenicareabout'] }) ``` Otherwise I'll have to use pagination to go over tokens I don't care about just to get the native token, I know I can just use the RPC but what's the point on having a SDK then cheers

Pagination problem

hello, I have been trying to paginate the results of "ankr_getTransactionsByAddress".. I put nextPageToken parameter from the previous results but it keeps returning same transactions here are my params { descOrder: true, address: "0xf6c3ebe4a0340c8611f56b4ddc310be725a13456", pageToken: "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" }

Wrong exchange rate of tokens in USD

Why did ANKR provide incorrect information on the cost of tokens { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "usdPrice": "1833646.540791594079109927", "blockchain": "arbitrum", "contractAddress": "0x9db8a10c7fe60d84397860b3af2e686d4f90c2b7" } } and { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "usdPrice": "1961637062518.1396484375", "blockchain": "eth", "contractAddress": "0x5150956e082c748ca837a5dfa0a7c10ca4697f9c" } } And there are A LOT of such tokens! You are positioning yourself as a leader in the field of development for Web3 projects and do not provide the correct information to your users

Not Authorized on ankr_getNFTMetadata


Multichain on bsc testnet

Is there a possibility to use RPC: (<https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain/>) in test_net mode?

All internal transactions endpoint returns no data

Hi Ankr team, Looks like all endpoints for fetching internal transactions always return empty `internalTransactions` array. Examples tried: - `ankr_getInternalTransactionsByBlockNumber` - eth, 17293858 - polygon, 42897372 - `ankr_getInternalTransactionsByParentHash` - eth, 0x6f7070a07f838a74bc252b8a98139db39732fdf73a005535a2cc03ae0b4692cf - polygon, 0x1db983179ff64d11197709765880b162a109401a7c1faae3f29dd4c0d2209364 Changing `onlyWithValue` parameter doesn't change the response. Is these endpoints supported at the moment? If not, do you have any estimation on when they'll become available?

Unable to get the Token ids along with holders using ankr_getNFTHolders using contract address

import { AnkrProvider } from '@ankr.com/ankr.js'; const provider = new AnkrProvider(); const nftHolders = async () => { return await provider.getNFTHolders({ blockchain: 'arbitrum', contractAddress: '0xc36442b4a4522e871399cd717abdd847ab11fe88', pageSize: 1000, pageToken: '' }); }; nftHolders().then((reply) => { console.log(reply) })